Monday, September 7, 2015

Finetuning My Intention

Everyday is a new opportunity to continue to claim your purposeful intention for yourself in your life. That means, constant letting go what doesn't serve and support you and replacing it with something new and exciting and meaningful which automatically enthuses zest and energy into your life!!

First I started setting goals on a sheet of paper, lineal style in blue or black pen. They were great goals but didn't match my inner being.

Then I started doing treasure maps, using colour and pictures and words, and I LOVE those! They match my personality and a picture of my gorgeous Catalina yacht or photo of Machu Picchu makes my soul soar. :)

Now, I've discovered another way of creating intentions....and it's all to do with using the Law of Attraction's motto of 'feeling good' along with other strategies, like learning, growth, strategies etc, to align to your dreams and goals. And of course, mine is a movie, that's never been created before. So it's cutting edge creation and 'pushes all my buttons: mentally, physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually, as I create this huge and exciting goal.

Here's my latest intention for my success.


It mightn't look as pretty as the pictures, but it's in addition to the treasure maps. Why not give it a go for your goals and dreams?

Need more help? Success Attitude Coaching Packages available.

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