Friday, April 17, 2009

HI Folk

On You Tube I mentioned Susan Boyle and her critical turning point, a decision to do something different, try at being a professional singer, something she had dreamed about since she was 12 but never given it a shot. When she did, it worked.

Well, we are not all like Susan, but we all have critical turning points. In the movie Pursuit of Happiness, Will had a critcal turning point when he decided he would go into finances and insurance and eventually, became a millionaire.

Everybody has these times in their life and to learn more about this here's an excerpt from my ebook 'Say Yes to a Positive Attitude', I wrote,

Often you've had a cruicital turning point in your life. This is where you've had a 'situation' that promoted a major decision in your life. Here's an example. If you've had a major health scare, it may be that you've had to change your diet dramatically and exercise regularly to enure future good health. It was a critical turning point and you can choose whether to create a healthier you and live longer, or continue life the same and shorten your life.

The critical turning point, is your thinking your decesion, about your action. So, if you want to improve your life, you need NEW thoughts so you make NEW decisions, because you past has got you to where you are now.

You can do this and make decisions with the 6 areas of your life and become happier, loved and more successful, or not. That decision is yours. If you want more information, about keeping a positive attitude visit my website for the ebook 'Say Yes to a Positive Attitude'.

Watch the clip on YOU Tube

Until next time...Go Well, Be Positive and Just do it!
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

weekly attitude tips on you tube

Hi folk

I've decieded to get out and 'just do it' and have started posting attitude tips on You Tube.
It's a learning curve....but that's what life is about. Check them out and let me know your thoughts. Janice