Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Move from Fear to Faith - Overview.

At the beginning of the 2000 millennium many people around the globe were anticipating ‘some changes’. Like many around the world, I wondered what we would encounter. The media shared a variety of ideas and globally I think we all anticipated more ‘good’ coming to us personally and into our world. Although there was no ‘big bang’ I believe there have been many subtle changes experienced.

 You and every single person on the globe has been on a journey since then. In this ebook I’m sharing my journey and invited colleagues who each had individual paths to follow but are working for the good of human-kind. Each of us has our own values, beliefs, spiritual views and encountered different experiences and lessons. However, we have a commonality in that we all became more authentic and on our individual paths.

 This two thousand millennium is in fact the third millennium. Three also has a significant spiritual meaning and there is the astronomical calendar which also differs in time to our common western calendar. I am sharing this so you understand there are different times/zones/aspects and calendars in life and you need to decide what ‘feels’ right for you to follow. Alternatively you could be like me and I follow a bit them all.  

 New Zealand’s time zone affords us the privilege to greet each and every day first in the world we were the first country in the world to ‘welcome’ the year 2000. I chose to attend a public event at the Auckland domain with a group of friends. The light show and firework display was going to be first to be broadcast around the world by the media.

 However New Zealand is a country of inclement weather, where often you can experience four seasons in one day. On the new millennium eve, showers were forecast for the evening. As we sat in the park, the sky darkened and a mist rolled in over the city and blocked out the stars. Our fireworks celebration was lost in the haze and our media coverage to the rest of the world… was lost in the mist.  Although a disappointing start, we still sang and danced to welcome in the year 2000 – the new millennium!

 Afterwards I watched other celebrations on television and I was a little sad for New Zealand. However a friend, Ann Andrews had a different opinion on the situation saying it was similar to the book the Mists of Avalon. In that book the mist hid and protected the spiritual kingdom. Therefore she suggested that because New Zealand was a spiritual and creative country we were being sheltered. The mist descended and blocked New Zealand out until the ‘time was right’. And on that note, whenever the time is right - I do not know, but maybe it’s now.
Read more from the ebook. See Below.

FREE EBOOK  "How to Move from Fear to Faith"  Click Here

Monday, November 19, 2012

New Business Ideas for 2013

Saving energy consultations

Due to high rates of energy consumption it is required that the consumers should use energy efficiently and accurately. To provide saving energy consultations is among the best new business ideas. No special professionalism is needed in this regard and you need to hire only a few consultants. The household customers will take your services on surety bases because saving money is the first wish of each and every body in this time. A huge amount can be saved if someone audits his energy consumptions.
Fully automation of the home

In this modern and fast decade every day starts with a new innovation. All that innovations have made our life very convenient and fast so to provide the excellent services of fully home automation are the best new business ideas. A few technicians can fulfill the requirement of the customers in a low salary bases. So this is the successful business of the time.

Become Yoga instructor

To meet the high demands of the customers you can provide a best service of providing instructions regarding Yoga. To maintain ones health is the first and high requirement of all the men and women of this modern time. You can make a team of Yoga instructors easily as only a few tips have to be learnt before guiding your clients and customers.

Nutrition Consultant

Among the list of top and hot new business ideas the business of sports man nutrition consultant has great value in this regard. Our young generation and legend players of Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Squish and all the other games much need of a professional consultant. To maintain ones health and nutrition is the first requirement of a best player.

Traveling business

About eighty percent of the men prefer to start their own business so to provide service of organizing events and conferences is the new and modern business. You can easily provide all this facilities in each city

If you want more ideas about starting up a business, watch this video from Robert Kiyosaki.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Workplace Relationship Challenge

I was told to be his friend!! 

A bully had come to our workplace six months earlier. He bullied his students, his wife over the phone and was working his way through the tutors. He was over six foot high, brushed back his hair with brylcream (like my dad did twenty years ago) had a red face (like a dragon) and after his morning swim before he came to work, would spend the next hour sniffing! He marched around thinking he was fabulous, because he 'got his way' but in reality he was a loser.

I had heard about him before he arrived in our college. However, one day it was my turn, because he didn't get my job. After looming over me while I sat at my desk, he verbally abused me for five minutes. I attempted to stand my ground, but was no match for this man.

After he left and took 3 days off work to recover (I was back at work the next day), my big boss told me - to be his friend. He said we were similar...(eek) both divorced, had two young daughters and worked in the travel industry. I could have lunch with him and be his friend.

This time I could stand my ground. I had learnt about relationships the lose/lose and the win/win...and I did not have to suffer anymore by being his friend. I had the confidence to communicate this however I realised I still had to work with him, so would discuss work topics only. A few weeks later he left to terrorise another workplace.

However the trick is to learn how to have positive rather than negative relationships. The next trick is to realise they are NOT going to change...and the person who must learn is you. Only with your new found knowledge and confidence can you understand and seek solutions that work for you.

Want more information: Free Ebook at http://www.difficultpeoplehelp.com

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Small Business Owners Can Be More Confident

Any small business owner must be confident in their product, idea, service or themselves to start their business.

As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and marketing, sales or customer challenges are experienced, your shoulders begin to droop. Sleepless nights, worry, anxiety and fear don't always provide the solutions you seek. In fact you may start to feel grim as money disappears from your pockets and it's hard to admit you need 'something else’. What that is, you don't quite know....but from my experience a wake up call will shake you back to reality. However, all is not lost, but it's time to reassess your situation and move your thoughts from lack of confidence to prosperity and 'turning your business around'.

But fear not, you are not alone! These days on television you can watch a variety of programs about retuning businesses, ranging from Ramsey’s Kitchen where he visits flailing restaurants, to The Hotel Inspector and Undercover Bosses. They are all seeking new business ideas. Step one is new concepts to try but step two is having the confidence and courage to change your thinking to get back to working towards your business goals.

Any business owner knows the road to success is curved. One business expert said: “Business is about keeping on introducing something new until it sticks! I encountered hiccups myself, when many clients departed during the recession then online strategies didn't bring the results, but now it’s realigning my business from a different perspective and moving forward. Here are 3 top tips to get your mindset and confidence back on track.

1 Use Confidence Building Products & Tools

Every business owner has sought advice at some stage. Now remove ego and fear from your life and find the book, course, self help program or workshop that helps you to think positive about yourself, and your business. If you haven't used affirmations, visualisations, treasure boards or relisted your new goals, get cracking! One business owner I spoke to recently said they were now starting the day with visualisations and affirmations. They were helping them think positive as they turn their business around by introducing a new product and going back to basics.

 Millionaires go to conferences to keep learning, any small business owner is doing themselves a disservice by not seeking new ideas and motivation from other sources.

 2 Provide More Service or Value

 Either with your present or new products, provide more service or value. Re-evaluate what you are doing and look for areas to change.  Another avenue is to resurrect something from the past and change it to suit the present market. The business world, customers and thinking has changed so update you and your business.

 Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad Poor Dad said: "Change your focus from making money to serving more people; Serving more people brings in more money”.

 3 Look After You!  

 Since my hiccup in October 2010 when I collapsed, died and was revived, I've focussed on my health and retuning myself constantly. There is a lot of research about the Law of Attraction and the 'vibrational energy' you exert from your state of well-being. Here are four things that can easily be changed:

 Water - Increase your water in take. Research shows a lower amount clogs your thinking, so drink more water.

 Food - Eating healthy food is easy to change. Stop having a muffin every day for morning tea, replacing it with something healthier and making the muffin your Friday treat.

 Exercise - Find time to do more exercise. A walk around the block at night a few sit-ups while watching television, anything that gets you moving more.

 Sleep - Get better sleep. You are not functioning at full steam if you’re tired in the morning. There are lots of products to help you short-term if needed.  I now use a mantra from Joe Vitale and his book Zero Limits. It puts my mind to rest by stopping the merry-go-round of negative thoughts.

 Changing your business success is not an overnight job, but being more confident helps you network more efficiently, sound more positive on the phone and bring in more sales. Even dressing for success, (yes, even in your home office), you'll be ahead of the business owners who don't make changes.

No-one forced us to become self employed and business owners, it's a challenge we chose for ourselves. Now, it's up to each business owner, whether a sole practioner working from a home office or an office, to keep learning and up skilled. Your business is following your passions to take your services and products to your customers. Changing your confidence about yourself and your business is up to you.

 John Assaraf from The Secret has created many businesses and here are 3 affirmations from his book The Answer, which you could use:

  • I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
  • I consistently attract all the right people to help me grow my businesss
  • I am a brilliant and savvy business person and I have access to everything to make my business grown
Another business expert, Jack Canfield was a school teacher and small business owner before he built his empire from his books related to Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His office rules were: no negativity in the office, use visualisations and affirmations and making sure they did five things a day to expand the business. After being knocked back by 144 publishers, he found one who saw merit in the books and fourteen months of hard work later, reaped the results. Your business may not be the same…but dedication and committment will work.

There is a famous quote: If it's to be - it's up to me! This applies to every business owner who started with a dream. If you are losing confidence, your goal needs to be to find it again!


Free Ebook: XFactor Confidence @ www.xfactorconfidence.com
Auckland Workshops: Live Life Confidently @ www.attitudespecialist.com
Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to think positive and empower themselves. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach, Author and Infopreneur Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and online. Her mission is to improve self esteem globally. She is the founder of Selfday-International Self Esteem Day and President of the International Council of Self Esteem. Her topics and products include: Attitude, Self esteem, Goals, Difficult people, Happiness, Relationships Stress and more. Her new book The Success Attitude – Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is her life journey with hindsight insights to assist you. More FREE ebooks at www.thesuccessattitude.info *www.selfesteemday.com* www.difficultpeoplehelp.com


Monday, September 10, 2012

How Small Business Owners Can Be More Confident

Any small business owner must be confident in their product, idea, service or themselves to start their business.

As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and marketing, sales or customer challenges are experienced, your shoulders begin to droop. Sleepless nights, worry, anxiety and fear don't always provide the solutions you seek. In fact you may start to feel grim as money disappears from your pockets and it's hard to admit you need 'something else’. What that is, you don't quite know....but from my experience a wake up call will shake you back to reality. However, all is not lost, but it's time to reassess your situation and move your thoughts from lack of confidence to prosperity and 'turning your business around'.

 But fear not, you are not alone! These days on television you can watch a variety of programs about retuning businesses, ranging from Ramsey’s Kitchen where he visits flailing restaurants, to The Hotel Inspector and Undercover Bosses. They are all seeking new business ideas. Step one is new concepts to try but step two is having the confidence and courage to change your thinking to get back to working towards your business goals.

 Any business owner knows the road to success is curved. One business expert said: “Business is about keeping on introducing something new until it sticks! I encountered hiccups myself, when many clients departed during the recession then online strategies didn't bring the results, but now it’s realigning my business from a different perspective and moving forward. Here are 3 top tips to get your mindset and confidence back on track.

1 Use Confidence Building Products & Tools

Every business owner has sought advice at some stage. Now remove ego and fear from your life and find the book, course, self help program or workshop that helps you to think positive about yourself, and your business. If you haven't used affirmations, visualisations, treasure boards or relisted your new goals, get cracking! One business owner I spoke to recently said they were now starting the day with visualisations and affirmations. They were helping them think positive as they turn their business around by introducing a new product and going back to basics.

Millionaires go to conferences to keep learning, any small business owner is doing themselves a disservice by not seeking new ideas and motivation from other sources.

2 Provide More Service or Value or Repurpose

Either with your present or new products, provide more service or value. Re-evaluate what you are doing and look for areas to change.  Another avenue is to resurrect something from the past and change it to suit the present market. The business world, customers and thinking has changed so update you and your business.

Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad Poor Dad said: "Change your focus from making money to serving more people; Serving more people brings in more money”.

 3 Look After You!  

Since my hiccup in October 2010 when I collapsed, died and was revived, I've focussed on my health and retuning myself constantly. There is a lot of research about the Law of Attraction and the 'vibrational energy' you exert from your state of well-being. Here are four things that can easily be changed:

Water - Increase your water in take. Research shows a lower amount clogs your thinking, so drink more water.

 Food - Eating healthy food is easy to change. Stop having a muffin every day for morning tea, replacing it with something healthier and making the muffin your Friday treat.

 Exercise - Find time to do more exercise. A walk around the block at night a few sit-ups while watching television, anything that gets you moving more.

Sleep - Get better sleep. You are not functioning at full steam if you’re tired in the morning. There are lots of products to help you short-term if needed.  I now use a mantra from Joe Vitale and his book Zero Limits. It puts my mind to rest by stopping the merry-go-round of negative thoughts.

 Changing your business success is not an overnight job, but being more confident helps you network more efficiently, sound more positive on the phone and bring in more sales. Even dressing for success, (yes, even in your home office), you'll be ahead of the business owners who don't make changes.

 No-one forced us to become self employed and business owners, it's a challenge we chose for ourselves. Now, it's up to each business owner, whether a sole practioner working from a home office or an office, to keep learning and up skilled. Your business is following your passions to take your services and products to your customers. Changing your confidence about yourself and your business is up to you.

 John Assaraf from The Secret has created many businesses and here are 3 affirmations from his book The Answer, which you could use:

  • I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
  • I consistently attract all the right people to help me grow my business
  • I am a brilliant and savvy business person and I have access to everything to make my business grown
Another business expert, Jack Canfield was a school teacher and small business owner before he built his empire from his books related to Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His office rules were: no negativity in the office, use visualisations and affirmations and making sure they did five things a day to expand the business. After being knocked back by 144 publishers, he found one who saw merit in the books and fourteen months of hard work later, reaped the results. Your business may not be the same…but dedication and committment will work.

 There is a famous quote: If it's to be - it's up to me! This applies to every business owner who started with a dream. If you are losing confidence, your goal needs to be to find it again!


Free Ebook: XFactor Confidence @ www.xfactorconfidence.com
Auckland Workshops: Live Life Confidently @ www.attitudespecialist.com
Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to think positive and empower themselves. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach, Author and Infopreneur Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and online. Her mission is to improve self esteem globally. She is the founder of Selfday-International Self Esteem Day and President of the International Council of Self Esteem. Her topics and products include: Attitude, Self esteem, Goals, Difficult people, Happiness, Relationships Stress and more. Her new book The Success Attitude – Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is her life journey with hindsight insights to assist you. More FREE ebooks at www.thesuccessattitude.info *www.selfesteemday.com* www.difficultpeoplehelp.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

35 Tips and Tricks to KickStart Spring


ü      Discover “who you are?” Pursue you and live being you. Continue on your constant self-improvement journey

ü      Boost your Intelligence – Smart People live longer.

ü      Get a Pet. Spending time with an animal increases level of three ‘feel good’ hormones that are proven depression beaters.

ü      Watch less television

ü      Laugh out loud; get your endorphins roaring around your body.


ü      Eat smaller amount meals more often. Research showed that people who ate 6 small meals had lower cholesterol by 5% than those who had 2 meals.

ü      Limit sugary drinks.

ü      Don’t ignore insomnia. Lack of sleep is likened to many health problems.

ü      Eat broccoli – Not only high in b vitamins and iron, it helps break down cancer.

ü      Quit smoking


ü      Go out with friends regularly, phone talk, and spend time with them. Friendship is a give and take. Make sure you’re doing it regularly.

ü      Get on with your mum. People with good relationships with their mums were healthier.

ü      Hug when appropriate. Remember this saying: A hug is a perfect gift, fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it.

ü      Send card, emails, e-cards, flowers post it notes and well wishes to friends and family

ü      If you’re not in a relationship with a partner, get yourself ready by discovering you, getting rid of baggage and become an independent person who your partner would love to be with.


ü      Catch the bus or train to work. – Studies show people who drive have higher blood pressure and less productive

ü      Learn and call workmates by name.

ü      Establish a ‘hero’ board at work and display your wins.

ü      Prioritize key events at work and tick them off your list when achieved.

ü      Before you attend a work meeting, review the minutes to ensure you’ve done what you say you would.

 Wealth or Abundance

ü      Count your Blessings – look around and notice the abundance in your life.

ü      Reassess your budget and stop wasting money, start saving and join loyalty programmes.

ü      Start saving for your future.

ü      Clean out all your old clothes, books and things you don’t use. Notice how much is ‘old’ and then open your mind to receiving new things.

ü      Check out your investments and realign your investment goals.

Spiritual and Mental

ü      Meditate or sit quietly in a peaceful place. Close your mind to busy thoughts and open it to ‘universal’ thoughts flowing in.

ü      Get in touch with the earth. Walk barefoot on the grass or the beach.  Paddle in the sea. Look at the sky, stars, clouds, wind blowing, anything to do with nature.

ü      Dig in the garden, pull out weeds, and replant your garden. Touch trees, plants or smell the flowers.

ü      Pray – it’s okay for it to be anywhere you like. It doesn’t need to be in a church. If you’re unsure what to do, just have a chat. You’ll feel loads better.

ü      Help others and be kind to animals. Everyone is touched when you help another human being in need.

 NEED MORE HELP - Change your thinking to the same as people like: Oprah, Walt Disney, J.K.Rowling, Robert Kiyosaki....READ more here. http://www.attitudetrainingforyou.com/attitude-training.html
Janice Davies, the Attitude Specialist is a Professional Speaker, Business Trainer and Success Coach. Additional free tips, articles and self esteem ebook along with other Attitude, Goal & Difficult People ebooks and workshops and coaching available on  www.attitudespecialist.co.nz















Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Attitude Specialist: 7 Steps to ensure YOU Achieve Success

Attitude Specialist: 7 Steps to ensure YOU Achieve Success: If you want more enjoyment, money, better health, less stress, and the ‘great to be alive and feeling good’ state of mind, it’s time to ...

7 Steps to ensure YOU Achieve Success

If you want more enjoyment, money, better health, less stress, and the ‘great to be alive and feeling good’ state of mind, it’s time to set some goals and strategies in your life. 

If you’re like the majority or people and you haven’t set any goals in the past, now is a great time to start. The influx of life coaches shows that society has a need to ‘plan’ for success and happiness. People from rugby players to opera singers have coaches and goals, so join the list of achievers.

Here’s a list of seven steps:

1.      List your ‘life rules’ for six areas of your life: self, health, work, relationships, financial, community

2.      Brainstorm goals for each these areas of life.

3.      Categorize them in 1, 3, 5, 10 year groups.

4.      Chose the most important for each area for year one.

5.      Design a programme for each goal for the year. (Continue this for the other goals)

6.      Set a monthly and weekly programme intermingling all the goals for year one.

7.      Ensure you have a life/work balance of goals. 
If you want more on this, check out my online coaching course...here's what it includes:
(I've copied this from my website. Click below  to return to my site to puchase)
5 Day Online Success Coaching Programme - 5 Sessions over 10 weeks.
Positive attitude and success coaching is about aligning your dreams and creating them.

You may already have created part of your dream life, or none at all, or got lost into someone else’s dreams. This is your opportunity to explore and fine-tune or discover your dreams again in your own time.
Online coaching has the same information as face to face coaching. The only difference is that when you have a question, you email it rather than verbally ask it.
Postive Attitude and Success CoachingThis 5-sessions-over-10 weeks programme is about combining your heart or soul (what’s inside) to your head (your thoughts and thinking) to your body (which is your actions).
The Course Includes -
  • Background information
  • 5 Coaching sessions and outlines
  • Each session is 10 to 20 pages
  • Instructions and guidance
  • Questions for you to examine
  • Forms to complete
  • Tips and poems
The course is over five emails which you can print or organise in an online folder. Suggested material for sessions:
  • Pens or felt tips pens (Coloured helps prompt your thinking)
  • Paper for some exercises (Coloured helps prompt your thinking)
  • Notebook to carry around for new ideas
  • Large folder with plastic envelopes to collate and categorise your new ideas
Part One - Determine your Values or Life Rules - more details >
Part Two - Work/Life Ratios and Life Priorities - more details >
Part Three - Setting Goals and Redesigning your Life - more details >
Part Four - Overcoming your Challenges - more details >
Part Five - Establishing your Systems - more details >

Cost $77.00

Monday, July 23, 2012

Making The Decision – Failure or Success?

Making The Decision – Failure or Success?

Every second you have a choice about what you think. A lot of people don’t control their thoughts consequently there is lots of negativity vibrating in their minds. It’s on television, newspapers and yes, even colleagues and family members’ lips. They think it – they feel it – they live it. Imagine searching for happiness…seeing it in everyone else’s smiles and even on your face, but you don’t feel it. Life seems dim and glum and you are ‘supposed’ to be happy – but you are not! There is a line in a song that sings ‘you contemplate finishing your life’ and that’s all I did for a nanosecond and then shunned it. I had children who relied on me! You seem to be missing something that everyone else knows about and has, but you don’t. What is it? This feeling of being a failure and unhappy is crippling you. You ask yourself – what do I have to do?

One day a friend invited me to a parenting course and I’ve never stopped learning since then. You see, I discovered that as a result of being a victim of teenage school bullying, my symptom was low self esteem. And, in my marriage I was still allowing myself to get bullied. I hadn’t yet learnt how to stop it. After several different attempts to solve this, I was faced with another choice. My hardest decision was made – I became a single parent. My responsibility was to my daughters and myself. I needed to learn the tricks about high self esteem and positive thinking if I wanted more success and happiness our lives.

Over the next 25 years I committed to educating myself and sharing with my daughters and eventually clients. I knew the feeling of failure and didn’t like it, so I committed myself to success. Nike says ‘Just do it’ and I do. Thousands of miss-takes (I spell it like that for a reason) because they are just miss takes on your road to success. Without these learning curves I would not be who I am today and you will not learn without your journey. You didn’t learn how to use the computer at your first attempt – it is the same in life.

Along my journey many varied principles have been important stepping stones. However in 2000 - the year of the new millennium I was unprepared for receiving a message. I was out walking when a voice, I believe was God spoke to me. He told me to create a self esteem day. At that stage I did not have the confidence or courage but I believe I was given my life mission – to teach self esteem. Years later, I have embraced all the ‘unusual’ messages and learning curves I have encountered and written my life story, the movie and following the path I was invited onto by ‘the universe’ or God.

Oprah has said a quote: What has made me successful is the ability to surrender my plans, dreams and goals to a Power that’s great than other people and greater than myself. Finally my learning has caught up to this quote because if I didn’t I’d feel like a failure again and I really prefer the feeling of success.

Now, what about you? Everyone has different learning curves, the most important is embrace yours.

Here are seven tips to help your success:
1) Rate your self esteem now. Visit http://youtu.be/xP2ycOdDTPY

2) Commit your life to yourself and becoming your best.

3) Decide on your dreams and set goals to achieve.

4) Discover your passions and include them into your life.

5) Learn to control your thoughts…one at a time.

6) Have a collection of positive books, quotes, videos, poems ready to read when you start to think negative thoughts.

7) Every day do one activity to boost your self esteem and do one action towards your goals.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Brain Controls Your Future

What if I told you that right now there’s
a part of your brain that is so old and so
ancient that it can’t tell the difference
between the life or death danger of a tiger
that is about to attack…

…and the perceived danger of the challenges
of everyday tasks like going to work, paying
the bills and socializing with others.

And that if you don’t learn about how this
part of your brain works and how to control it,
that it could control you and your life…forever.

Imagine however that there was a technique
that you could use right now to relax and
manage this part of your brain and that it
was literally…at your fingertips.

And that learning this technique could help
you with things like we*ght loss, your finances,
pain relief, anxiety, procrastination, fears and
phobias and much more.

New science on how this technique is
changing the brain is going to both shock
and amaze you and have you wondering,
why didn’t I know about this sooner?

Go here to see a video about this technique
and how you can start using it today to literally
rewire the way your brain works…


To having a healthy brain,

Monday, April 2, 2012

51 Tips to Reduce Workplace Stress

1) Stop eating junk food – fattening/sugary sweet foods
2) Start eating healthy food – morning, lunch, dinner
3) Good foods for stress – Avocado, beef, milk, oatmeal, salmon, spinach, tea, walnuts
4) Eat foods you are not allergic to


1) Eat 1 to 2 litres of water daily
2) Cut down coffee and caffeine drinks
3) Drink herbal teas
4) Drink less alcohol

1) Regular exercise outside work hours
2) During work hours – walk up and down stairs
3) Go for lunch time walk or exercise
4) Regular stretching – breaks


1) Most of us are shallow breathers – take deep breath
2) Breathe in for 7, hold for 7, out for 7, rest of 7

1) Ensure your correct posture at desk
2) Check chair/desk – ergonomically

1) During breaks – share ‘appropriate’ jokes
2) Share the funny things you do
3) Create fun activities at work

1) Ask for help if needed
2) Offer help if appropriate
3) Keep emails and communication professional
4) Say No when you want to say Yes – do your work first

Work Load

1) Don’t skim on work because short days
2) Do essential work first

1) Ensure you are getting adequate sleep
2) Daylight saving changes routines – work at keeping regular times
3) Get help if not sleeping properly

Get Organised
1) Create important list of important ‘to do’s
2) Get systems in place for workload

Pleasant Work Environment
1) Get plants or flowers in office
2) Have healthy nibbles available
3) Use Aromatherapy oils

Self Motivate Yourself

1) Positive quotes on display
2) Treasure map of goals
3) Picture of holiday destination
4) Plan relax on days off work

Stress Release Exercising
1) Mediate and or Power Naps during lunch break
2) Yoga and massages
3) Stress Balls

Health Products

1) Vitamin and minerals
2) Herbs and Back flowers
3) Aromatherapy
4) Acupuncture and kinesiology

Mental Health
1) Think – This too shall pass
2) Don’t talk about work outside work
3) Think – Life is too short to be stressed
4) Don’t like your job – start searching for another one.

1) Sing in the car and listen to your favourite music
2) Listen to easy listening music that does not ‘rattle the brain’.
3) Dance and wiggle to your favourite tunes…

Tips supplied by Janice Davies
In: Melbourne, Sydney and
Brisbane in July 2012.
Additional Workshop information on http://www.johncoxon.com.au/stress.html

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Late Great Steve Job

Personal Life

Born in 1955 and was put up for adoption by his unwed parents shortly after his birth. Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountainview, California, adopted him. The father was a machinist who worked on lasers, while his wife was an accountant.

They moved to Los Altos, California, before he entered high school. A statement the preteen made to his parents allegedly precipitated the move: he said that he wouldn’t return to school in Mountainview, so his parents decided to move. While a high school student, he contacted William Hewlett, the president of Hewlett Packard, and asked for some parts for an electronics project. He not only obtained the parts he desired; he was offered a summer job at Hewlett Packard.

Jobs graduated from high school in 1972 and briefly attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon. In 1974, he went to work for Atari Incorporated as a video game designer. After saving some money from his stint at Atari, Jobs was able to embark on a spiritual sojourn to the Indian subcontinent during the summer of 1974. While in India, Jobs sought to immerse himself in the Eastern way of life. A bout with dysentery in the autumn of 1974 cut his trip short and Jobs moved back to California and into a commune.

Career Details

By 1975, Jobs started to get involved with the Homebrew Computer Club, which was headed by Steve Wozniak, an acquaintance of his from Hewlett Packard. Wozniak was starting to develop what would become the prototype for the Apple Computer series. Jobs had persuaded him to market his designs and prototypes and the two of them began, in earnest, to develop what would ultimately become the first Apple Computer.

Jobs and Wozniak worked on the Apple I in Jobs’ garage and by 1976 they offered models for sale. The most uniquely innovative feature of the $700 machine was its single board read-only memory (ROM), which instructed the computer to load and read other programs from outside sources.

The development and sale of the Apple II, which retained the unique features of its predecessor in an updated format, began in 1977. Jobs then got in touch with the former marketing manager at Intel and brought him to Apple. Jobs began to encourage independent programmers to create software for the Apple II, and soon everything from business management tools to video games became available for use on the Apple II.


Maverick computer innovator Steve Jobs, along with his friend and partner, Steve Wozniak, formed the Apple Computer Company in the late 1970s. They pioneered the design and development of desktop computers for the general public. The creation of the Macintosh computer in the mid-1980s ushered in a new era of tremendously widespread user friendly machines. After being ousted from Apple, Jobs went on to form the NeXT Computer Company. He also bought Pixar Animation Studios, where Toy Story, the first wholly computer generated and animated film, was created.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Inspirational Story

I’ve just read a great book which gives me another more
focussed look at life.

He’s from one famous who you may have heard of, but first
let me share his inspirational story. You might be inspired like me.

As a youngster he was unable to read. We look at this as something negative in life yet on the other hand he was very talented at sports. In his early teens he discovered he could teach himself to read, and with the help of his mother achieved his early life long ambition. He began to read, investigate and research from the vast knowledge of books he could now read.

Determined to live life ‘his way’ when his father told him ‘not to visit’ his girlfriend, he left home. For a number of years he lived on the streets even keeping warm from the vents of diners on the cold nights, in the surf and on the beach. When he lacked food or transport, strangers gave him a welcoming hand and he learnt
about the opposite affects of life, the negative and challenges and the
positives where he was supported by the universe, God, or luck (which ever
names you like) in ‘one way or another’.

Years later he studied as chiropractor and handled the patients no other doctor would touch. He learnt the reputation of being a miraculous healer. He began new journey to write and share his methods of healing, locally then globally.

He no longer lived on the streets and instead had apartments
around the world. He lived on a ship and continues to spread his messages of gratitude for life.

He is now a world-leading inspirational speaker and author.
His scope of knowledge is a culmination of 34 years of research and studies of
more than 28,000 texts in over 200 different disciples, ranging from
psychology, philosophy, and metaphysics to theology, neurology and physiology.

I heard him speak in Auckland New Zealand recently and travelled off his
itinerary to help and give a free impromptu presentation to the people of Christchurch.

If you’ve watched The Secret you’ve seen him. His name (if you haven’t guessed) is Dr John Feel Demartini.

The reason I’ve shared this story is because of my hiccups in life (you know
the dying and surviving thing) with you, is because I’ve had many positive
experiences from this one negative experience in my life, and I learnt about
being grateful for the challenges and wins in life.

So examine your life, and if you’re off track, not feeling positive, motivated and enthusiastic about every day, maybe it’s time to take action.

One thing I can help you with, is my online Success Coaching programme.
It starts you re-evaluating what’s important to you and making changes you need so you’re embracing life and your awesome journey.

More information here….http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz/success-course.htm

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A fun story of wisdom!

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men wearing white shabby clothes sitting on a bench outside her home.
The woman felt sympathy for them, so she said ”

It seems you all are hungry, please come inside and have something to eat.”

”Is your husband at home?” they asked. “No”, she said. “He’s out.”
”Then we cannot come in”, they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
“Go tell them I am home and invite them in,” he said.

The woman went out and invited the men in. “We do not go into a house together,” they replied. “Why is that?” she wanted to know.

One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

The woman went in and told her husband what was said.

Her husband was overjoyed. “How nice!” he said. “Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth.
Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”

His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?”

Their young daughter was listening to the conversation.
She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”

“Let us heed our daughter’s advice,” said the husband to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

The woman went out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed him.

Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love, why are you coming in?”

The old men replied together: ”If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Business Goal Setting For 2012

The year 2011 is now over. You may be thinking of what you want to achieve for your company or business in 2012. But do you know how to go over setting your business goals in such a way that you wouldn’t be overwhelmed?

Here are few simple things to remember before you go about the business of business goal setting.

1. Clarity of your business goal.

Remember that diamonds, more than their cut, are greater prized and treasured for their clarity. Diamonds with yellow, blue ang green hues are simply alluring. But 'alluring' is not what to do with your business goal. What the above statement means is that what you want and what you need is a business plan that is clear from the onset, in order for the internal factors of your business to run smoothly.

2. Come up with a goal that is doable and result oriented.

Remember the businesses right across your office and the one at your back? They have folded just a few years ago, with their officials facing imprisonment for fraud.

A hundred theories have been presented trying to explain why such situations happened, but, hey, if you base everything on rhetoric, then you really wouldn't get anywhere. Go for something that is tangible and concrete. Something you can actually experience and proudly present to everyone. You wouldn't want a shutdown of your own business, would you?

3. Put it into writing.

Decide where you company should be for the next year. Effective business goal setting needs to be detailed and put into writing. This will give you a concrete basis for further review in the future. It will also save you from having to grope your mind for the ideas you came up with during one 'eureka' moment.

4. Use active words.

Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. Do not use passive words and passive sentences because these will give you the feeling of indirect responsibility. Do say: “My company will capture this particular market by the middle of next year”, and not: “This particular market will be captured by my company by the middle of next year”. Breathe action into your words to give life to your business goal.

5. Come up with smaller goals to complement your biggest one.

The smaller goal will help you achieve the ultimate goal of your business, by providing the step by step actions leading to the ultimate plan. By doing this, you will also see more clearly the initial errors inherent with an imperfect plan. In the process, you will know what actions are effective and what are not.

6. Employ people who share your dreams and ideas.

They may not share your concept on how to do things but if these people share your vision, they will at least give you alternative routes in reaching your goal. These alternative routes represent their own view with the world and their belief in doing things.

This process will give you the chance to improve your precepts or ideas.

And, of course, take a regular review of your plan or business goal. Do some revisions if needed, depending on the small changes that you encounter as the plan progresses. And should there be changes, big or small, accept them wholeheartedly. This is what effective business goal setting is all about.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Attitude Powertip - Turning Failures into Successes.wmv

To improve yourself you need to be open minded. Every successful person has been on this journey, combining natural talents and gifts and learned skills. The top 3 skills of a salesperson are:




Many job descriptions include the phrase ‘must have a positive attitude’, so employers rate this trait as vital to success, but how do you describe it?

Here’s how I describe it in my workshops on Workplace Attitude. People with a positive attitude focus on: how to fix the problem and search for solutions versus the problem itself from negative attitude salespeople. They search for what is required, implement it and learn for next time. They’re happy to ask for help and believe in themselves that they can complete the task. They embrace the challenge and look at the problem as a temporary setback they need an answer for. They enjoy the challenges of work,are organised (even though this can be a challenge for this personality) and have positive approach to life in general.

It’s no wonder employers are searching for these traits in
their employees. A few years ago I conducted two year research on the topic of
Workplace Attitude and these were my top findings.

Negative attitude and disengagement from work is prevalent
Lots of positive re-enforcement and rewards were used by some companies.
Motivation at work is self directed.

I could understand the negative attitude if there is no on-going motivation from the
company, but was pleased to discover that many companies were already engaged
in this. However, I was surprised at the third factor, that motivation at work
is self directed. Maybe I shouldn’t have been as these are the people who have
a positive attitude. These are the people who in their own time followed a life
of self discovery and self improvement, thus were happier and more successful.

Which brings us to ‘how to motivate yourself’ if you want to improve your sales
performance. Understandably you need to have the knowledge about your product,
but you need to add to your tool kit - self knowledge. Not your present level
of understanding about yourself, if you’re not achieving the results you want,
but an upgrade to your thinking.

The majority of people perform below their capabilities and although they were born
with no thoughts about attitude or themselves, throughout their life they’ve
learnt unhelpful thoughts that have lodged in their brain. Consequently they
don’t believe in themselves and abilities to achieve. For these people it’s
about making a decision to improve themselves and their life. Starting with
this objective here are some tools for greater success.

Commit to a new you.
Analyse yourself to decide where you can make change.
Realise this starts with your thoughts.
Monitor your thinking for a day or week.
Rate your percentage of positive and negative thoughts.
Decide what to change first.
Set yourself a plan of action.

Your biggest asset is your thoughts, however many people fail to control them. Once
upon a time mine were 80/20. Eighty percent negative and 20 percent positive,
but that was over twenty five years ago and now I can say they are 99% positive
and I’ve learnt the skill how to change my thought quickly when a negative one
floats into my thinking.

Albeit your changes to become an XFactor salesperson start with XFactor thinking, one
thought at a time. Successful people have charisma and confidence. They can
walk into a room and start conversation, people look and listen to them and the
air of success can ‘hang around them’. It’s confidence!

Wikipedia defines confidence as: is generally described as a state of being
certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen
course of action is the best or most effective.

And here’s another definition: Confidence is a feeling that you think
you are capable of doing something. It makes you optimistic and pleasing.

Tom Peter’s author of Search for Excellence says: The good news is that top sellers are not born; anyone can become a top seller by studying, practicing, concentrating, and focusing on his own performance.

I’ve has been working on confidence for over twenty five years. It’s a choice thing, if you are not happy with your life right now you need to commit to creating a
better life for yourself, she says.

Here’s a checklist from my new programme: XFactor Confidence – 3 Vital
Keys to Creating More Success and Money and you can use to monitor your own

I have decided on my goals aligned to my values
I am letting go my past and learning to step out of my comfort zone
I am communicating assertively and creating win/win relationships
I am boosting my self esteem and rewarding myself daily
I am thinking positive thoughts am embracing my exciting future
I am wearing clothes and aligning myself to my personality
I am living a healthy lifestyle and nurture my body.
I am using my new found confidence to create more money and success.

The three vital keys from my programme are: Motivation,
Confidence and Investing your time, energy and money in yourself. Combining these
three instils in you a pathway in life to study, practice and concentrate to
improving yourself to achieve your best performance.

Free EBOOK on XFactor
Confidence at: www.xfactorconfidence.com
Free Goal Setting WEBINAR at: www.thesuccessattitude.info/goals

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bring Tourists Back to Christchurch

'Bring Tourists Back to Christchurch' with this idea!

Professional Speaker and Entrepreneur Janice Davies was writing an article for a Christchurch magazine when she hit upon a great idea that 'won't go away'.

Downgraded as a tourist destination, Cantabrians need something to help them re-enjoy life as they live moment to moment in the throes of the earthquakes.

Playing on the radio was the song "We built this city on Rock and Roll' as she wrote. Creating a new spin on this idea Janice has this idea rocking and rolling in her mind.

Organise the "World's Biggest Rock and Roll "Event.

  1. First - Have lessons in the streets of Christchurch and teach each other to dance.
  2. Set a date for a long weekend.
  3. Check the Guinness world Records and see what record Cantabrians can break. OR - Create a NEW event by dancing in every street in Christchurch and make a NEW WORLD RECORD.
  4. Invite New Zealand Rock and Roll clubs to attend.
  5. Invite Overseas Rock and Roll clubs to attend.
  6. Invite Media and capture world media.
  7. Create a monthly R & R night in Christchurch for the tourists....or an annual R & R Festival.
  8. AND of course start the event with the song ' We rebuilt the city on Rock and Roll'.
  9. To revamp the energy, every hour play this song…

This may sound a bizarre idea, says Janice, but this could capture world headlines and something fun, exciting and profitable for the people of Christchurch AND BRING BACK THE TOURISTS.

Janice motivates people to succeed as a speaker, trainer, coach and author. Her new book The Success Attitude - Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is due for release in the USA market. This is one of those haunting messages she says...it won't go away, so I'm sharing it and hopefully someone might be interested to take this idea to reality.

2012 is a year of thinking differently. This is a great start!

This is a great way to re-unite the city and bring back the tourists to Christchurch. In my earlier jobs I was a travel tutor and often took my students to visit Christchurch and have visited it often myself. It's a great city…. It could be the Rock and Roll City. of New Zealand. It can work!!

Napier has revamped itself after it’s 1931 earthquake as the Art Deco city of New Zealand…so why not!