Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bring Tourists Back to Christchurch

'Bring Tourists Back to Christchurch' with this idea!

Professional Speaker and Entrepreneur Janice Davies was writing an article for a Christchurch magazine when she hit upon a great idea that 'won't go away'.

Downgraded as a tourist destination, Cantabrians need something to help them re-enjoy life as they live moment to moment in the throes of the earthquakes.

Playing on the radio was the song "We built this city on Rock and Roll' as she wrote. Creating a new spin on this idea Janice has this idea rocking and rolling in her mind.

Organise the "World's Biggest Rock and Roll "Event.

  1. First - Have lessons in the streets of Christchurch and teach each other to dance.
  2. Set a date for a long weekend.
  3. Check the Guinness world Records and see what record Cantabrians can break. OR - Create a NEW event by dancing in every street in Christchurch and make a NEW WORLD RECORD.
  4. Invite New Zealand Rock and Roll clubs to attend.
  5. Invite Overseas Rock and Roll clubs to attend.
  6. Invite Media and capture world media.
  7. Create a monthly R & R night in Christchurch for the tourists....or an annual R & R Festival.
  8. AND of course start the event with the song ' We rebuilt the city on Rock and Roll'.
  9. To revamp the energy, every hour play this song…

This may sound a bizarre idea, says Janice, but this could capture world headlines and something fun, exciting and profitable for the people of Christchurch AND BRING BACK THE TOURISTS.

Janice motivates people to succeed as a speaker, trainer, coach and author. Her new book The Success Attitude - Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is due for release in the USA market. This is one of those haunting messages she won't go away, so I'm sharing it and hopefully someone might be interested to take this idea to reality.

2012 is a year of thinking differently. This is a great start!

This is a great way to re-unite the city and bring back the tourists to Christchurch. In my earlier jobs I was a travel tutor and often took my students to visit Christchurch and have visited it often myself. It's a great city…. It could be the Rock and Roll City. of New Zealand. It can work!!

Napier has revamped itself after it’s 1931 earthquake as the Art Deco city of New Zealand…so why not!

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