Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Small Business Owners Can Be More Confident

Any small business owner must be confident in their product, idea, service or themselves to start their business.

As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and marketing, sales or customer challenges are experienced, your shoulders begin to droop. Sleepless nights, worry, anxiety and fear don't always provide the solutions you seek. In fact you may start to feel grim as money disappears from your pockets and it's hard to admit you need 'something else’. What that is, you don't quite know....but from my experience a wake up call will shake you back to reality. However, all is not lost, but it's time to reassess your situation and move your thoughts from lack of confidence to prosperity and 'turning your business around'.

But fear not, you are not alone! These days on television you can watch a variety of programs about retuning businesses, ranging from Ramsey’s Kitchen where he visits flailing restaurants, to The Hotel Inspector and Undercover Bosses. They are all seeking new business ideas. Step one is new concepts to try but step two is having the confidence and courage to change your thinking to get back to working towards your business goals.

Any business owner knows the road to success is curved. One business expert said: “Business is about keeping on introducing something new until it sticks! I encountered hiccups myself, when many clients departed during the recession then online strategies didn't bring the results, but now it’s realigning my business from a different perspective and moving forward. Here are 3 top tips to get your mindset and confidence back on track.

1 Use Confidence Building Products & Tools

Every business owner has sought advice at some stage. Now remove ego and fear from your life and find the book, course, self help program or workshop that helps you to think positive about yourself, and your business. If you haven't used affirmations, visualisations, treasure boards or relisted your new goals, get cracking! One business owner I spoke to recently said they were now starting the day with visualisations and affirmations. They were helping them think positive as they turn their business around by introducing a new product and going back to basics.

 Millionaires go to conferences to keep learning, any small business owner is doing themselves a disservice by not seeking new ideas and motivation from other sources.

 2 Provide More Service or Value

 Either with your present or new products, provide more service or value. Re-evaluate what you are doing and look for areas to change.  Another avenue is to resurrect something from the past and change it to suit the present market. The business world, customers and thinking has changed so update you and your business.

 Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad Poor Dad said: "Change your focus from making money to serving more people; Serving more people brings in more money”.

 3 Look After You!  

 Since my hiccup in October 2010 when I collapsed, died and was revived, I've focussed on my health and retuning myself constantly. There is a lot of research about the Law of Attraction and the 'vibrational energy' you exert from your state of well-being. Here are four things that can easily be changed:

 Water - Increase your water in take. Research shows a lower amount clogs your thinking, so drink more water.

 Food - Eating healthy food is easy to change. Stop having a muffin every day for morning tea, replacing it with something healthier and making the muffin your Friday treat.

 Exercise - Find time to do more exercise. A walk around the block at night a few sit-ups while watching television, anything that gets you moving more.

 Sleep - Get better sleep. You are not functioning at full steam if you’re tired in the morning. There are lots of products to help you short-term if needed.  I now use a mantra from Joe Vitale and his book Zero Limits. It puts my mind to rest by stopping the merry-go-round of negative thoughts.

 Changing your business success is not an overnight job, but being more confident helps you network more efficiently, sound more positive on the phone and bring in more sales. Even dressing for success, (yes, even in your home office), you'll be ahead of the business owners who don't make changes.

No-one forced us to become self employed and business owners, it's a challenge we chose for ourselves. Now, it's up to each business owner, whether a sole practioner working from a home office or an office, to keep learning and up skilled. Your business is following your passions to take your services and products to your customers. Changing your confidence about yourself and your business is up to you.

 John Assaraf from The Secret has created many businesses and here are 3 affirmations from his book The Answer, which you could use:

  • I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
  • I consistently attract all the right people to help me grow my businesss
  • I am a brilliant and savvy business person and I have access to everything to make my business grown
Another business expert, Jack Canfield was a school teacher and small business owner before he built his empire from his books related to Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His office rules were: no negativity in the office, use visualisations and affirmations and making sure they did five things a day to expand the business. After being knocked back by 144 publishers, he found one who saw merit in the books and fourteen months of hard work later, reaped the results. Your business may not be the same…but dedication and committment will work.

There is a famous quote: If it's to be - it's up to me! This applies to every business owner who started with a dream. If you are losing confidence, your goal needs to be to find it again!


Free Ebook: XFactor Confidence @
Auckland Workshops: Live Life Confidently @
Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to think positive and empower themselves. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach, Author and Infopreneur Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and online. Her mission is to improve self esteem globally. She is the founder of Selfday-International Self Esteem Day and President of the International Council of Self Esteem. Her topics and products include: Attitude, Self esteem, Goals, Difficult people, Happiness, Relationships Stress and more. Her new book The Success Attitude – Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is her life journey with hindsight insights to assist you. More FREE ebooks at **


Monday, September 10, 2012

How Small Business Owners Can Be More Confident

Any small business owner must be confident in their product, idea, service or themselves to start their business.

As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and marketing, sales or customer challenges are experienced, your shoulders begin to droop. Sleepless nights, worry, anxiety and fear don't always provide the solutions you seek. In fact you may start to feel grim as money disappears from your pockets and it's hard to admit you need 'something else’. What that is, you don't quite know....but from my experience a wake up call will shake you back to reality. However, all is not lost, but it's time to reassess your situation and move your thoughts from lack of confidence to prosperity and 'turning your business around'.

 But fear not, you are not alone! These days on television you can watch a variety of programs about retuning businesses, ranging from Ramsey’s Kitchen where he visits flailing restaurants, to The Hotel Inspector and Undercover Bosses. They are all seeking new business ideas. Step one is new concepts to try but step two is having the confidence and courage to change your thinking to get back to working towards your business goals.

 Any business owner knows the road to success is curved. One business expert said: “Business is about keeping on introducing something new until it sticks! I encountered hiccups myself, when many clients departed during the recession then online strategies didn't bring the results, but now it’s realigning my business from a different perspective and moving forward. Here are 3 top tips to get your mindset and confidence back on track.

1 Use Confidence Building Products & Tools

Every business owner has sought advice at some stage. Now remove ego and fear from your life and find the book, course, self help program or workshop that helps you to think positive about yourself, and your business. If you haven't used affirmations, visualisations, treasure boards or relisted your new goals, get cracking! One business owner I spoke to recently said they were now starting the day with visualisations and affirmations. They were helping them think positive as they turn their business around by introducing a new product and going back to basics.

Millionaires go to conferences to keep learning, any small business owner is doing themselves a disservice by not seeking new ideas and motivation from other sources.

2 Provide More Service or Value or Repurpose

Either with your present or new products, provide more service or value. Re-evaluate what you are doing and look for areas to change.  Another avenue is to resurrect something from the past and change it to suit the present market. The business world, customers and thinking has changed so update you and your business.

Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad Poor Dad said: "Change your focus from making money to serving more people; Serving more people brings in more money”.

 3 Look After You!  

Since my hiccup in October 2010 when I collapsed, died and was revived, I've focussed on my health and retuning myself constantly. There is a lot of research about the Law of Attraction and the 'vibrational energy' you exert from your state of well-being. Here are four things that can easily be changed:

Water - Increase your water in take. Research shows a lower amount clogs your thinking, so drink more water.

 Food - Eating healthy food is easy to change. Stop having a muffin every day for morning tea, replacing it with something healthier and making the muffin your Friday treat.

 Exercise - Find time to do more exercise. A walk around the block at night a few sit-ups while watching television, anything that gets you moving more.

Sleep - Get better sleep. You are not functioning at full steam if you’re tired in the morning. There are lots of products to help you short-term if needed.  I now use a mantra from Joe Vitale and his book Zero Limits. It puts my mind to rest by stopping the merry-go-round of negative thoughts.

 Changing your business success is not an overnight job, but being more confident helps you network more efficiently, sound more positive on the phone and bring in more sales. Even dressing for success, (yes, even in your home office), you'll be ahead of the business owners who don't make changes.

 No-one forced us to become self employed and business owners, it's a challenge we chose for ourselves. Now, it's up to each business owner, whether a sole practioner working from a home office or an office, to keep learning and up skilled. Your business is following your passions to take your services and products to your customers. Changing your confidence about yourself and your business is up to you.

 John Assaraf from The Secret has created many businesses and here are 3 affirmations from his book The Answer, which you could use:

  • I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
  • I consistently attract all the right people to help me grow my business
  • I am a brilliant and savvy business person and I have access to everything to make my business grown
Another business expert, Jack Canfield was a school teacher and small business owner before he built his empire from his books related to Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His office rules were: no negativity in the office, use visualisations and affirmations and making sure they did five things a day to expand the business. After being knocked back by 144 publishers, he found one who saw merit in the books and fourteen months of hard work later, reaped the results. Your business may not be the same…but dedication and committment will work.

 There is a famous quote: If it's to be - it's up to me! This applies to every business owner who started with a dream. If you are losing confidence, your goal needs to be to find it again!


Free Ebook: XFactor Confidence @
Auckland Workshops: Live Life Confidently @
Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to think positive and empower themselves. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach, Author and Infopreneur Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and online. Her mission is to improve self esteem globally. She is the founder of Selfday-International Self Esteem Day and President of the International Council of Self Esteem. Her topics and products include: Attitude, Self esteem, Goals, Difficult people, Happiness, Relationships Stress and more. Her new book The Success Attitude – Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is her life journey with hindsight insights to assist you. More FREE ebooks at **

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

35 Tips and Tricks to KickStart Spring


ü      Discover “who you are?” Pursue you and live being you. Continue on your constant self-improvement journey

ü      Boost your Intelligence – Smart People live longer.

ü      Get a Pet. Spending time with an animal increases level of three ‘feel good’ hormones that are proven depression beaters.

ü      Watch less television

ü      Laugh out loud; get your endorphins roaring around your body.


ü      Eat smaller amount meals more often. Research showed that people who ate 6 small meals had lower cholesterol by 5% than those who had 2 meals.

ü      Limit sugary drinks.

ü      Don’t ignore insomnia. Lack of sleep is likened to many health problems.

ü      Eat broccoli – Not only high in b vitamins and iron, it helps break down cancer.

ü      Quit smoking


ü      Go out with friends regularly, phone talk, and spend time with them. Friendship is a give and take. Make sure you’re doing it regularly.

ü      Get on with your mum. People with good relationships with their mums were healthier.

ü      Hug when appropriate. Remember this saying: A hug is a perfect gift, fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it.

ü      Send card, emails, e-cards, flowers post it notes and well wishes to friends and family

ü      If you’re not in a relationship with a partner, get yourself ready by discovering you, getting rid of baggage and become an independent person who your partner would love to be with.


ü      Catch the bus or train to work. – Studies show people who drive have higher blood pressure and less productive

ü      Learn and call workmates by name.

ü      Establish a ‘hero’ board at work and display your wins.

ü      Prioritize key events at work and tick them off your list when achieved.

ü      Before you attend a work meeting, review the minutes to ensure you’ve done what you say you would.

 Wealth or Abundance

ü      Count your Blessings – look around and notice the abundance in your life.

ü      Reassess your budget and stop wasting money, start saving and join loyalty programmes.

ü      Start saving for your future.

ü      Clean out all your old clothes, books and things you don’t use. Notice how much is ‘old’ and then open your mind to receiving new things.

ü      Check out your investments and realign your investment goals.

Spiritual and Mental

ü      Meditate or sit quietly in a peaceful place. Close your mind to busy thoughts and open it to ‘universal’ thoughts flowing in.

ü      Get in touch with the earth. Walk barefoot on the grass or the beach.  Paddle in the sea. Look at the sky, stars, clouds, wind blowing, anything to do with nature.

ü      Dig in the garden, pull out weeds, and replant your garden. Touch trees, plants or smell the flowers.

ü      Pray – it’s okay for it to be anywhere you like. It doesn’t need to be in a church. If you’re unsure what to do, just have a chat. You’ll feel loads better.

ü      Help others and be kind to animals. Everyone is touched when you help another human being in need.

 NEED MORE HELP - Change your thinking to the same as people like: Oprah, Walt Disney, J.K.Rowling, Robert Kiyosaki....READ more here.
Janice Davies, the Attitude Specialist is a Professional Speaker, Business Trainer and Success Coach. Additional free tips, articles and self esteem ebook along with other Attitude, Goal & Difficult People ebooks and workshops and coaching available on