Any small business owner must be confident in their product,
idea, service or themselves to start their business.
As your business evolves, triumphs are recorded and you soar
but when hiccups are encountered like recessions, exchange rates drop and
marketing, sales or customer challenges are experienced, your shoulders begin
to droop. Sleepless nights, worry, anxiety and fear don't always provide the
solutions you seek. In fact you may start to feel grim as money disappears from
your pockets and it's hard to admit you need 'something else’. What that is, you
don't quite know....but from my experience a wake up call will shake you back
to reality. However, all is not lost, but it's time to reassess your situation
and move your thoughts from lack of confidence to prosperity and 'turning your
business around'.
But fear not, you are not alone! These days on television
you can watch a variety of programs about retuning businesses, ranging from Ramsey’s
Kitchen where he visits flailing restaurants, to The Hotel Inspector and
Undercover Bosses. They are all seeking new business ideas. Step one is new
concepts to try but step two is having the confidence and courage to change
your thinking to get back to working towards your business goals.
Any business owner knows the road to success is curved. One
business expert said: “Business is about
keeping on introducing something new
until it sticks! I encountered hiccups myself, when many clients departed
during the recession then online strategies didn't bring the results, but now
it’s realigning my business from a different perspective and moving forward. Here
are 3 top tips to get your mindset and confidence back on track.
1 Use
Confidence Building
Products & Tools
Every business owner has sought advice at some stage. Now remove
ego and fear from your life and find the book, course, self help program or
workshop that helps you to think positive about yourself, and your business. If
you haven't used affirmations, visualisations, treasure boards or relisted your
new goals, get cracking! One business owner I spoke to recently said they were
now starting the day with visualisations and affirmations. They were helping
them think positive as they turn their business around by introducing a new
product and going back to basics.
No-one forced us to become self employed and business
owners, it's a challenge we chose for ourselves. Now, it's up to each business
owner, whether a sole practioner working from a home office or an office, to keep
learning and up skilled. Your business is following your passions to take your
services and products to your customers. Changing your confidence about
yourself and your business is up to you.
- I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
- I consistently attract all the right people to help me grow my businesss
- I am a brilliant and savvy business person and I have access to everything to make my business grown
There is a famous quote: If
it's to be - it's up to me! This applies to every business owner who
started with a dream. If you are losing confidence, your goal needs to be to
find it again!
Ebook: XFactor Confidence @
Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist,
who teaches people to think positive and empower themselves. As a Professional
Speaker, Success Coach, Author and Infopreneur Janice educates people at
conferences, workshops and online. Her mission is to improve self esteem
globally. She is the founder of Selfday-International Self Esteem Day and
President of the International Council of Self Esteem. Her topics and products include:
Attitude, Self esteem, Goals, Difficult people, Happiness, Relationships Stress
and more. Her new book The Success Attitude – Haunting Messages Guiding Us, is
her life journey with hindsight insights to assist you. More FREE ebooks at **