Monday, March 28, 2011

Making Money by Promoting Your Own Success

Do you want more in your life to pay the rent or mortgage, go on holiday, buy a new car or save for retirement? If you’re like me and your answer is yes, you’ve got to decide how you are going to make it in your business or if you’re employed, into your pay packet.

Businesses have changed and even the teller in a bank is now up selling a product for higher commission with the question and ‘chat’ about insurance or a product. It’s the same up sell concept made famous you have when you visit McDonalds and hear the phrase “would you like chips as well”.

Usually to make money you either have to sell a service or an item and you do this by promoting either yourself to your boss or colleagues, to your customer or clients.

Maybe you don’t fit think you fit the category of a salesperson but I’d like to share some ideas with you.

If you want a promotion, you’ve had to sell yourself by providing a great service with your work. If you have a business, you have to promote your product or service to your clients. If you want a new job you have to promote yourself at the interview. No matter what, you are selling yourself to other people.

To be successful there are a number of common denominators you require. One may be your skills, or your attitude or experience and I’d like to include another and that is your confidence. If you get a tick for the first three but a minus for your confidence, it’s possible another person, product or service will be chosen instead.

So here’s a list of things you might have to sell to others in your work if you want to create more money to come into your life:
• You
• Your ideas
• Your wishes
• Your needs
• Your ambitions
• Your skills
• Your experience
• Your products
• Your services….
• …and that’s at work.

To do these you need to be confident. If you want to learn more….watch out for stage two in this series of articles which will be in my next ezine or email to register for my upcoming FREE webinar on: XFactor Confidence - Using your Secret Ingredient to make more Money and Give you more Free Time.

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