Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Eagles wowed us then and wow us now!!

These guys have followed their passions, living their dream lives...I hope you are either living your dream life already or if not...working towards it. It's sad when people can have a happier life and stuck, so if this is you and ready to move forward contact me here Click Here
My first Eagles concert in Sydney...somehow I got the given the back seat in the back row (I had booked a closer one but they said - oops....this seat of nothing) BUT at least we were able to dance with no-one behind us. I hope this week, the concert is a better view.

  Enjoy Your Friday!!!
I've tried to insert an Eagles song...but something not working today.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Life and Work is my Playground :)

I’m an awesome profit attracting spiritualpreneur.

I feel good about my work and business.

I feel good about where my business is moving.

I love thinking, planning and being creative.

I know things are possible and easily done.

I can do things without stress and struggle.

I work with a magnificent team.

I have time to be energetic and creative.

I love to do stuff that feeds my heart and soul.

I have fun everyday & thrill from enjoying now.

I feel deeply satisfied and at peace.

I am energized at the end of my work day.

I enjoy my evening.

I am amazed by the way, more money, opportunities and new clients

arrive by magic and miracles.

I have ease, fun, fun and success in my life.

I live my life, going with the flow and welcome inspiration.

I am the CEO of my business and my life!!!
If you'd like your life to be a zippy, zappy and fabulous, Coaching packages are available. Email Or I have an online one still available at the old price. Visit Or if people are causing you stress at this stage I'm still coaching on relationships with packages still at the old prices. visit