Monday, September 22, 2014

The New Way of Attracting Your Goals

I travelled to Austin Texas in the USA last year, to learn more from this
Goal Guru - Joe Vitale.....and although it is challenging to align to this
new method of goal setting in conjunction with your written SMART
goals, but it is possible and the next step in energy management on your way
to your success. Of course your goals need to align to your values and beliefs
as you think positive and do the work on your way to achieving success.
After his workshop and being on stage with him...I qualified as a Law of
Attraction Coach for myself and clients. Before I left New Zealand I had asked
to be introduceed from one of his coaches and when I arrived he was walking
past the lift and my hero was there in front of me. From penniless to a millionaire
(many times over)...a man worth while learning from.

Many years ago I wrote my first  programme and it is great to know it is still

getting purchased online by people overseas who want to start their journey

of changing their attitudes to thinking positive and starting to work towards

their goals. If you are starting your journey, check out the Attitude
Training programme. Click here  

If you have any questions, please email me. Click Here

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

7 Principles We Can Learn from Steve Jobs

1   Do what you love. 

2   Put a dent in the universe - Have a vision

3   Connect things to spark your creativity 

4   Say 'no' to 100 things

5   Create Insanely different experiences

6   Master the message

7   Sell dreams not products.

Work away at this list and you'll be living a life with purpose!